Tag Archives: mother-in-law

Mama B

This week I’d like to tell you about somebody incredibly special to me. She has been described in past blog entries, for sure, but she has not had the spotlight squarely on just her yet. This week, I am talking about the amazingly strong woman I am lucky enough to call my Mama B, my mother-in-law. 

I know she will kill me for this one, but how could I resist?

I know she will kill me for this one, but how could I resist?

Almost 22 years ago, Mama B opened up her heart (and her home) to the lost soul who walked through the door. She knew that Bruce loved me and that meant that she loved me already. The bond that we share and the connection we have was evident from day one. 

Christmas 2004

Christmas 2004

Thinking back to the beginning of our relationship, there was nothing that she wouldn’t (or didn’t) do for me.  She came to rescue me when my car was broken down in North Jersey. She encouraged me to food shop in her pantry when I needed to, and she even helped me pay for my teaching certificate when I had taken the ginormous pay cut in order to fulfill my life’s purpose in becoming a teacher. She never questioned anything and there was never a hesitation on her part. Her selflessness has always blown me away, and I am thankful for her every single day of my life. 


One time, probably within the first six months that Bruce and I were dating, she did something so adorable that we still talk about it to this day. Bruce had been working for his father (a contractor), and as a typical young 22 year-old, he would bring his laundry to mom once a week. While he was working with his dad, Mama B would wash and fold his laundry so that it would be clean and ready to go at the end of the day. On this particular day, when Bru got home and unpacked his laundry, he found a pair of my panties, neatly folded under a stack of his shirts. She never mentioned it to Bruce, but he was still was mortified. It’s a story we continue to laugh about every time it comes up. We also all laugh about how Mama B baked me a cake for my birthday (just 3-4 months after meeting me), and sent it home with Bruce for me. The funny part is not that she baked me a cake, but that she did so a month too early. 

(The next month, she baked another cake for Bruce to bring me on my ACTUAL birthday.)

When I missed Easter because I was not feeling up to it, Mama B sang happy birthday to me on FaceTime, and then sent the cake home to me with Bruce.

When I missed Easter because I was not feeling up to it, Mama B sang happy birthday to me on FaceTime, and then sent the cake home to me with Bruce.

Mama B and I talked on the phone several times a week, which Bruce didn’t really understand, since he rarely spoke to his family on the phone, and usually just out of necessity. We would get together regularly, even if just the two of us. It was a relationship Bruce didn’t get, of course. He only ever saw his family on holidays, and that was enough for him. But Mama B never had a daughter, and those years in my early 20’s were tumultuous ones for me, to say the least. She has always had a way of making me feel incredibly loved and appreciated. For example, my first REAL Christmas with the family was just a year after Bru and I were together (the first one didn’t really count because we had only been dating 10 days), and she made sure that I had the exact same number of gifts to open as Bruce and Scott did. There was no differentiation between her own children and me. 

As the years have passed, we have grown closer and closer still. She has been by my side through the good, the bad, and the ugly. With my own family scattered in other states, having my Mama B has given me a place I can always call home. I consider her a parent, a cool aunt, a fun older sister, but most importantly a dear, dear friend. In fact, I have no idea where I would be without her! She has seen me through the best and the worst parts of my life over the last 21 (+) years. 


During every relapse, I could count on her coming to my house to visit, which included stocking my freezer full of meals that she had prepared for us. She has witnessed more of my struggles with MS than anyone else, except Bruce of course. During my years as a Walk MS team captain, she never missed a single walk. Every time I was a keynote speaker or won an award, she was there. She came with me to countless doctor appointments and evaluations, whether personally necessary for me or as mandated by the state or the SSA. She was even with me the day I had to tell my principal that I was being written out of work for six months, which, at the time, was the most devastated I thought I would ever be…that is, until the day Mama B was with me when I filed my intention to apply for disability retirement. That was the moment when I needed her most, and the moment that she knew exactly what to say to me. I never loved her more than at that moment because she told me what I needed to hear in exactly the loving and supportive way I needed to hear it. 


The most amazing part about my mother-in-law is how selfless she is, particularly where it comes to her family. As long as her boys are happy, she is happy. There is nothing she wouldn’t do for them, provided that she had the means. She does the same thing for her 95 year-old mother, putting her own life aside so that those around her feel safe and loved. There is not a single bad bone in her body, and no one who knows her would ever say otherwise. 

Grammie, Auntie, Lukey.

Grammie, Auntie, Lukey.

Within the past year or so, my Mama B offered to dog and house-sit for us, because she noticed that Bruce and I always went away separately. Having family in Florida, I have made frequent trips there without Bruce while he stayed with the dogs, and vice versa. It may not seem like a huge deal to other people, but we have two dogs, both with special needs and on various medications. As scared as she was, she even learned how to inject our insulin-dependent dog because it was that important to her that Bruce and I got to spend a weekend away together for once. Now she does it regularly for us, and she doesn’t even think twice. The answer is always yes. The icing on the cake is coming home to a sparkling clean house, which I appreciate like crazy because our house is simply too big for me to keep up with. 

Family is everything.

Family is everything.

Looking back on my relationship with all the Rankins, but Mama B in particular, I feel so fortunate that the universe saw it fit for me to fall in love not only with Bruce, but with the entire family. Some of my happiest memories are made when I spend time with my mother-in-law. She plays so many roles in my life, and I have no doubt that I hit the lottery when she became my Mama B. 

Supporting my silly behavior.

Supporting my silly behavior.

I can’t relate at all to the horror stories people tell about their mothers-in-law. As a human being, particularly one who has MS, I have come to depend heavily on my mother-in-law. She is as important to me as Bruce is as my care partner. I wish everyone could have the kind of support I get from my Mama B…and if you have someone like her in your life, don’t forget to thank her/him, and your lucky stars for such a priceless gift.


I have already written about how much I love my in-laws (http://www.makinglemonadebecauseican.com/in-laws/), but this week I am so overwhelmed with emotion that I need to revisit this topic. I have undoubtedly loved them from the day I met them, but my love for them has grown exponentially through the years. 


Best brother ever.

My brother-in-law and I have always shared an incredibly special relationship. When I first met him, he was just a teenager, and I have been lucky enough to watch him grow into a sensitive and sweet, but also a tenacious and centered guy. To me, he is my actual brother, even though the bloodline says otherwise. I have shared in his triumphs as well as his challenges in the same way that all siblings support each other. He has always been there for me too, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for him. I know for sure that he feels the same way. I have never questioned the strength of our sibling-hood, or our friendship for that matter. 

My husband and I love spending time with him and his (now) wife. All four of us bonded quickly, and see each other as often as we can. When he got married in June of 2014, I could not have been happier for him. My emotions on the day of his wedding were no different than on the day I watched my own sister get married. It was a special day, blending two very small families, and my husband wrote and officiated the ceremony. Many tears (of joy) were shed, and I was given a little sister of my very own.  

Me with my "little sister" and her mom, on the day of the wedding.

Me with my “little sister” and her mom, on the day of the wedding.

Soon after their honeymoon, my brother and sister-in-law announced that they were expecting a baby. I was over the moon with excitement. Often people misjudge how I feel about children because I have none of my own. I’ll spare you the details, but you can read more on my blog on this topic (http://www.makinglemonadebecauseican.com/?s=to+reproduce). Suffice it to say, that I love children, even though it was not a part of my plans. The best part about this baby is the growing of the Rankin family. I don’t have nieces or nephews that include me as a regular part of their lives, so this is the real deal. This isn’t the same as the many “nieces” and “nephews” I have, who are my friends’ children. I adore them all, but this is different. 

This was taken the day they told us that a baby was on the way!

This was taken the day they told us that a baby was on the way!

I have loved this baby since the first day I found out about him.  I started shopping for him immediately afterwards, and envisioning how he would change our lives. It would be impossible for him not to. He is the first of his generation in the Rankin family. 

It’s amazing how quickly our lives can change. One minute, we are going about our  business, wrapped up in the routine of every day life, and the next minute, life as we know it is transformed and priorities shift. We got the call that the baby was coming early, and off we went. My brother and sister-in-law went to the hospital as a newlywed couple, and within hours, they were a family of three. All of a sudden, they are parents: a mommy and a daddy. I have always been fascinated by that!   

This is where we sat waiting for news of Luke's arrival.

This is where we sat waiting for news of Luke’s arrival.

Just when I thought I couldn’t love my in-laws any more, I sat in the family waiting room, feeling the anticipation grow, and I swear my heart swelled with even more love than I thought possible. I sat on the edge of my seat, all of us jumping up at the sound of any footsteps coming with news. First came the baby, surrounded by nurses. We asked if it was “ours” and at that moment we learned that the newest Rankin is a boy. I swore the whole time that it was a girl, but apparently women who marry Rankin men only make boys! But most important of all is that he is here and he is already loved by so many. 

When my brother-in-law finally came out to talk to us, I saw him in a whole different light. When I watched him talk about his wife and his son, he beamed with pride. Then I watched my mother-in-law watching him, also beaming with pride. At that moment, the family connection felt so incredibly genuine. Between all of us.  

Lucas Scott Rankin came into this world on March 23. 2015, on my mother-in-law’s 70th birthday. What a gift she got! Her first grandchild. But he’s my nephew! I can’t wait to get to know this little man, and to be actively involved in his life. I can’t wait to spoil him rotten and be the “cool” aunt. I can’t wait to hug him and kiss him, and to witness his milestones. I vow to love him unconditionally and forever, because we are family. Luke, weighing in at a whopping 4 lbs., 2 oz., has already made an impact on me. He has made me love my family even more than I already did before he got here. Thank you, sweet Luke. 

My bro holding his son's hand. It doesn't get more beautiful.

My bro holding his son’s hand. It doesn’t get more beautiful.