Tag Archives: nephew


It’s funny how my nephew, Lucas, has only been on this planet for almost three years now, yet I can’t imagine my life without him. He has changed our little family dynamic in such huge ways that it really does blow my mind. Before he was here I used to imagine how many things I could teach the baby-to-be (we didn’t know he was a Lucas before his much anticipated, albeit early arrival), and all the things I would get to experience with him (or her). Little did I realize then that this tiny creature would be teaching me as many things as I teach him. It sounds silly to say that a not-yet three year-old has taught me anything at all, but if you think about it, we can all learn from children his age.

First of all, Luke doesn’t ever judge me, or anyone else. He loves me whether I’m fat, skinny, with makeup, au-naturel, dressed up, in yoga pants, or any other way I present to him. He just knows I’m Auntie and I am always full of snuggles for him. He knows I’ll get down on the floor and play cars, color, or do “oga” (yoga) with him. This might be the cutest thing ever as he puts himself in downward dog under my downward dog, and then he looks up at me and says “hi!”. Then we even do namaste, and open our arms super wide when he says “open sesame!”. The lesson here is quite clear. At three years old he doesn’t judge anyone based on anything more (or less) than the love he feels. I always think about what he will be like in the future and I’m hoping that this quality sticks with him so that he can continue to teach others, specifically his peers that love is what counts, and love comes from the inside of a person, not from outward appearances.

“oga”, Lucas-style.

Another thing Luke has reminded me of is how to be considerate of others. One time he was so excited that I was going to read him a book that he threw the book up on the couch before hoisting himself up. The book hit me in the leg and before we could read the story, he insisted on kissing my leg because he was concerned that he hurt me. Similarly, when my foot was in a boot because of my broken toes, he couldn’t kiss my boo boo enough. I have been practically knocked over in crowded places (thanks to balance issues related to MS), and no one even acknowledges that fact, but a three year-old would.

He loves lining his cars up in different formations. My sister-in-law is so funny when she sends us these pictures, she sometimes says that she will leave the room for a minute and come back to a “Blair-Witchy” scenario!

Luke also eats when he’s hungry, drinks when he’s thirsty, and stops when he’s done. Most adults unlearn this behavior somewhere along the way which is why there is a growing epidemic of obesity.

When he thinks something is funny he laughs. Not just a normal laugh. A contagious belly laugh. He’ll ask me to tickle him, beg me to stop then ask for more. You know why? Because it feels damn good to laugh! The other night we were FaceTiming and he was cracking himself up because the answer to every question we asked him was “poopy”. It reminded me of being able to laugh wildly and without abandon, as we all should because it feels so much better than not laughing. It’s reassuring to me that this is pretty much proof positive that he will not be afraid of laughing at silly things like fart humor, even when he is an adult.

Perhaps the thing that I have learned the most from this little boy is to be happy. He takes joy in the little things. On a simple nature walk with his mommy he said that he was having “too much fun”. Or if the mail carrier honks and waves, he thinks it’s great and it makes him happy.

I’m just the aunt and my experiences with high school kids in my former life as a teacher were different, yet equally rewarding in other ways. As far as my little Lukey goes, I’d like to wrap him up in bubble wrap, protecting his little (but powerful) spirit, and bottling up all the sweet lessons he has taught me as a reminder for his future self. But because he has me, I promise to always be there to remind him, even when he’s a teenager and he no longer thinks his auntie is cool. If you find yourself at a loss and need reminders about how beautiful simple, every day life is, spend some time with a three year-old like Lucas. His lessons have been invaluable to me, and I will treasure them always.


Just over 28 months ago, my life most certainly changed for the better, and I never expected it to happen this way. Especially since the reason for such an amazing change entered this world at just over four pounds. That’s right… I am talking about my nephew, Lucas Scott Rankin.


I have a small family, and like most, we have our fair share of dysfunction. But even before he arrived, I swore to him that I would always be there to be his cool auntie, and that I’d never leave his side. And as cliche as it sounds, I have loved him from the first moment I found out about him.

It’s pretty awesome. Although he isn’t my nephew by blood, he most certainly is through my heart and soul. I have always felt a deep connection with him, and he is an endless source of happiness for me. This little guy has huge power. He has brought our little Rankin family even closer than we already were, which I never thought possible. Last year on Christmas night, Lukey gave me the best gift ever, when I heard him say “aunt” for the very first time. I thought my heart would burst right out of my chest because I had never felt that kind of pure love before, because I don’t have children of my own.

“Uncle Booce” with Lukey. Ahhhh those curls!!!


These last two and a half years have been a great experience, marveling at how much more he can do and how much he learns in between our visits. I have made a conscious effort to be a constant in his life because I always want him to have the same sweet memories that I do. Quite frankly, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for Luke, and I am hoping that as he grows up he will never doubt that his auntie is there for him. I will love him unconditionally and forever, and I hope he will trust me enough and confide in me because nothing will make me happier.

When I’m not feeling well, a visit from him, and now that he’s old enough, even a FaceTime call makes a world of difference and is better than any medication I could take. This past weekend, he sweetly pointed at my foot (in the oh-so-lovely boot) and asked about my “boo-boo”. Then he kissed it and hugged me, patting me on the back as he did so. Every time he says my name (Aunt Wennie), I melt because hearing it in that little voice of his is something that I have never experienced. He fills up my heart with so much love, and I find myself awe-struck by how this little boy, just twenty-something pounds, has the ability to make me smile so hard, laugh with my whole entire body, and love so deeply.

Although I wish he would stop growing up so quickly, I look forward to many fun times with him as he gets older. I envision sleepovers with me and “Uncle Booce”, and going on many adventures together. But for now, I am drinking in every last detail of him while he is toddling around, talking up a storm, repeating everything (uh oh.. time to start censoring my potty mouth!), and playing trucks everywhere. Plus, nothing in this world feels as good as Luke’s little hand in mine, and I will savor that feeling for the rest of my life. Even though we don’t share the same bloodline, we do share a last name. That automatically makes him the littlest (and most adorable) member of #TeamRankin, and I know that he will someday learn that membership does, indeed, have its privileges!

I showed Lukey the leaves that look like hearts so he pointed at it and told me “heart”. He has mine, that’s for sure.





I have already written about how much I love my in-laws (http://www.makinglemonadebecauseican.com/in-laws/), but this week I am so overwhelmed with emotion that I need to revisit this topic. I have undoubtedly loved them from the day I met them, but my love for them has grown exponentially through the years. 


Best brother ever.

My brother-in-law and I have always shared an incredibly special relationship. When I first met him, he was just a teenager, and I have been lucky enough to watch him grow into a sensitive and sweet, but also a tenacious and centered guy. To me, he is my actual brother, even though the bloodline says otherwise. I have shared in his triumphs as well as his challenges in the same way that all siblings support each other. He has always been there for me too, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for him. I know for sure that he feels the same way. I have never questioned the strength of our sibling-hood, or our friendship for that matter. 

My husband and I love spending time with him and his (now) wife. All four of us bonded quickly, and see each other as often as we can. When he got married in June of 2014, I could not have been happier for him. My emotions on the day of his wedding were no different than on the day I watched my own sister get married. It was a special day, blending two very small families, and my husband wrote and officiated the ceremony. Many tears (of joy) were shed, and I was given a little sister of my very own.  

Me with my "little sister" and her mom, on the day of the wedding.

Me with my “little sister” and her mom, on the day of the wedding.

Soon after their honeymoon, my brother and sister-in-law announced that they were expecting a baby. I was over the moon with excitement. Often people misjudge how I feel about children because I have none of my own. I’ll spare you the details, but you can read more on my blog on this topic (http://www.makinglemonadebecauseican.com/?s=to+reproduce). Suffice it to say, that I love children, even though it was not a part of my plans. The best part about this baby is the growing of the Rankin family. I don’t have nieces or nephews that include me as a regular part of their lives, so this is the real deal. This isn’t the same as the many “nieces” and “nephews” I have, who are my friends’ children. I adore them all, but this is different. 

This was taken the day they told us that a baby was on the way!

This was taken the day they told us that a baby was on the way!

I have loved this baby since the first day I found out about him.  I started shopping for him immediately afterwards, and envisioning how he would change our lives. It would be impossible for him not to. He is the first of his generation in the Rankin family. 

It’s amazing how quickly our lives can change. One minute, we are going about our  business, wrapped up in the routine of every day life, and the next minute, life as we know it is transformed and priorities shift. We got the call that the baby was coming early, and off we went. My brother and sister-in-law went to the hospital as a newlywed couple, and within hours, they were a family of three. All of a sudden, they are parents: a mommy and a daddy. I have always been fascinated by that!   

This is where we sat waiting for news of Luke's arrival.

This is where we sat waiting for news of Luke’s arrival.

Just when I thought I couldn’t love my in-laws any more, I sat in the family waiting room, feeling the anticipation grow, and I swear my heart swelled with even more love than I thought possible. I sat on the edge of my seat, all of us jumping up at the sound of any footsteps coming with news. First came the baby, surrounded by nurses. We asked if it was “ours” and at that moment we learned that the newest Rankin is a boy. I swore the whole time that it was a girl, but apparently women who marry Rankin men only make boys! But most important of all is that he is here and he is already loved by so many. 

When my brother-in-law finally came out to talk to us, I saw him in a whole different light. When I watched him talk about his wife and his son, he beamed with pride. Then I watched my mother-in-law watching him, also beaming with pride. At that moment, the family connection felt so incredibly genuine. Between all of us.  

Lucas Scott Rankin came into this world on March 23. 2015, on my mother-in-law’s 70th birthday. What a gift she got! Her first grandchild. But he’s my nephew! I can’t wait to get to know this little man, and to be actively involved in his life. I can’t wait to spoil him rotten and be the “cool” aunt. I can’t wait to hug him and kiss him, and to witness his milestones. I vow to love him unconditionally and forever, because we are family. Luke, weighing in at a whopping 4 lbs., 2 oz., has already made an impact on me. He has made me love my family even more than I already did before he got here. Thank you, sweet Luke. 

My bro holding his son's hand. It doesn't get more beautiful.

My bro holding his son’s hand. It doesn’t get more beautiful.