Strength and Balance

Last year, I was lucky enough to enroll in a 12-week wellness program for MS patients that changed my life. It really was my first step on the journey to understanding and accepting my new life. Each week, 7 other MS patients and I listened to guest speakers, ranging in topics from nutrition to guided imagery, to spirituality, to Reiki, just to name a few. We learned Tai Chi, got to know each other over lunch, and always ended the day with strength and balance class. Upon completion of the program, we would have access to yoga, aquatics, strength and balance, and spin classes.

Before I continue, I need to give a little background on where I was at that particular point in my life. I was at an all time low, having been out of work for a few months already, and wrestling with the truth that I was no longer capable of doing the one thing that defined me: being a teacher. I had put on 30 pounds of Solumedrol/Prednisone weight, and my confidence took a huge hit as a result. I was struggling with exercise because of a bad relapse, and I had no idea how to take back control of my body.

The woman behind the warriors. We love her so much!

The woman behind the warriors. We love her so much!

Then along came strength and balance class, and our trainer, Diane. Let me tell you how awesome this woman is! Even though she trains clients from early morning until late night six days a week, she comes to teach our classes on her “lunch” hour. She is passionate about helping us be the strongest we can be, despite our disabilities. She has no ulterior motives other than the pride she shares with every single one of our successes, even though they might seem small compared with those of her other clients. She is constantly researching ways to challenge us despite our physical limitations. She took a “vacation” over the summer for a few weeks, and she came back with more ideas for us, spending most, if not all, of her “vacation” at seminars and working to make our classes better. She is always looking to expand our program so that we can continue to challenge ourselves. After years of dead ends and failed attempts, she has even succeeded in adding a TRX class to the list of options for us. Her dedication to our wellness goes far above and beyond the title of “trainer” or “instructor”.

The strength and balance gang

The strength and balance gang: the best support group ever!

On the first day of strength and balance class, I could never have guessed that Diane would play such a huge, ongoing role in my life. She knows how to push me to my limit without going too far. She knows how to motivate me to push through even when I just want to quit. She recognized early that I like to be pushed, and she has celebrated every single achievement with me. The stronger I have gotten, the more I have practiced at home. Without a doubt this would not have happened without Diane’s support. She knows what to say to keep me working, even when I want to give up. I’m inching closer and closer to where I want to be, and I owe it to her for showing me the way.

The natural tummy tuck! I couldn't even come close to this when I first started with Diane.

The natural tummy tuck! I couldn’t even come close to this when I first started with Diane.

I’m not sure Diane knows just how much of an effect she has on all of us, but hopefully she’ll read this and she’ll know just how appreciative we are for all that she does for us. I admire her for so many reasons, and I adore her. She has changed my life by simply being a part of it. Not a day goes by that I’m not grateful for my MS family, and Diane is, of course, a member of the immediate family!

Side planks are not easy for anyone!

Side planks are not easy for anyone! It’s not perfect yet, but I am getting better all the time, thanks to Diane.

(As a side note, I realize that I flip back and forth between “I” and “we” in this entry, but there are moments when I am the voice of all the MS patients who have benefitted from Diane’s selfless dedication, and consequently let the first person singular/plural come organically as I organized my thoughts. The grammarian in me feels the need to justify!)





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